Infection Control in Aged Care


  • Ensure that the supervisor and other care workers are aware of the situation. Check with the supervisor about the facility’s procedures.

Hand Hygiene:

  • Use alcohol-based hand rub as it is very effective against the influenza virus.
  • Perform hand hygiene before putting on personal protective equipment.
  • Ensure care workers perform hand hygiene before and after contact with the two residents and their surroundings.
  • Remind residents of the importance of hand hygiene.
  • Encourage all visitors to perform hand hygiene when they arrive and before they leave.

Personal Protective Equipment:

  • Use gloves, an impermeable long-sleeved gown or apron, and a surgical mask.
  • Wear gloves if touching surfaces and equipment contaminated with secretions or droplets.
  • Wear a surgical mask when entering the room or working within one metre of an infectious resident. Remove and dispose of the mask when leaving each room.
  • Wear a gown if clothes are likely to become soiled. Change or dispose of the gown after each care activity.
  • Perform hand hygiene after removing personal protective equipment.
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