Hand Hygiene

Hand hygiene is the single most important factor in reducing the spread of infections. It is crucial to perform hand hygiene at the right moments.

The Five Moments for Hand Hygiene:

  1. Before touching a resident/client or their surroundings
  2. Before a procedure or when there is a risk of exposure to body fluids (e.g., changing a drainage bag)
  3. After a procedure or body fluid exposure risk
  4. After touching a resident/client
  5. After touching the resident’s/client’s surroundings (e.g., over bed table, linen)

Additional Times to Perform Hand Hygiene:

  • Before putting on gloves
  • After removing gloves
  • Before touching food and eating
  • After using the toilet
  • After lunch or other breaks
  • After blowing your nose or coughing
  • After handling rubbish
  • After handling unwashed linen or clothing
  • After handling animals
  • When your hands are visibly dirty

Hand hygiene is an essential work practice that helps protect both you and those in your care.

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