Identifying Unwell Residents in Aged Care

If you identify any residents who may be unwell, follow these steps:

  1. Report to Supervisor:
    • Immediately inform your supervisor if you think a resident is unwell. Pay particular attention if two or more residents show signs of illness.
  2. Follow Facility Procedures:
    • Your facility will have specific procedures in place to manage outbreaks. Discuss these with your supervisor and adhere to the established protocols.

Outbreak Management

Management of outbreaks may include:

  • Increased Cleaning:
    • Increase the frequency of environmental cleaning to reduce the spread of infection.
  • Isolation:
    • Isolate residents who are unwell to prevent the spread of illness.
  • Cohorting:
    • Group residents who are infected together to contain the outbreak.
  • Collaboration with Public Health:
    • Work closely with your local public health unit for guidance and support.

Clothing and Personal Hygiene

  1. Daily Clothing:
    • Change your clothing daily or when soiled. Wear short sleeves or roll up sleeves above the elbows.
  2. Remove Non-Daily Clothing:
    • Remove clothing that is not washed daily (such as cardigans and jackets) during personal care activities, food preparation, and cleaning.
  3. Footwear:
    • Wear non-slip, closed-in shoes to protect your feet against accidental injury or spillage.
  4. Coughing and Sneezing:
    • Always cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing.

For top-quality infection control products, visit Supply Porta and ensure your facility is well-equipped to maintain the highest standards of hygiene and safety. Order now and stay protected!

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